High THC Marijuana Use May result in Long term Chronic Mental Health Issues

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High THC Marijuana Use May result in Long term Chronic Mental Health Issues

In the 60s smoking weed was very popular. There was a thing of a cultural revolution going on. The majority of the people that smoked pot before eventually grew from it as well as went on to have families and enjoy a typical life in American society. Only aproximatelly 10 % of those with the age of twenty five ever became addicted, most simply stopped. Yes, several went on to try more powerful medicines as LSD, Heroin, and tried dropping acid, and that's why some consider marijuana a' gateway' drug. The 60s were an excessive time.
People who remained in the party scene often graduated to cocaine as their recreational drug of choice, which was starting to get fashionable in the US in the mid-70s and into the 80s. After that there was the "war on drugs" that is raging on today (cite one).
Again in the 1960s the younger users, people who started in their mid to late teens had higher rates of addiction about 15-17 %. Nowadays, we understand it is since the adolescent brain of theirs was currently developing, and also the continued use of THC from each one of those afternoons' ditching school' finally impacted the brain development of theirs. Essentially, the THC had re wired their brain, thus, they became dependent.

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THC is the active component in marijuana that gets you high. Trust us when we tell you; modern hybrid marijuana is far more concentrated compared to yester year's pot. In reality, one of the reasons why marijuana is being legalized is simply because all of the people that tried it back in the 1960s did not find everything that dangerous. Many have grown up and are politically active, some actually policymakers. We have now had President's admit to smoking it. Needless to say, there is a good deal of history with regards to marijuana (cite: two).
We frequently listen to proponents of marijuana legalization say; alcohol is far more addicting plus it's killed far more individuals, particularly if you factor in all of the alcohol-related car deaths. This's true of course, cannot argue with the data. Proponents in addition claim we are able to legalize it and then tax it, and solve all the issues of ours. Well, not specifically.
This might seem to be a general reasonable assessment in the minds of people who tried it or perhaps smoked it regularly in the sixties, but things tend to be different today. If we were just discussing the old marijuana, it's relatively harmless compared to some of the brand new stuff available in states which have legalized its use.
This new marijuana has incredibly high levels of THC. For instance, majority of the pot which was smoked in the 1960s was comparatively small in THC, with likely the most potent of the morning around six % compared to several of modern intense hybrid marijuana clocking in at nearly 30 %.